Venus Luvis

Venus Luvis

1.00$ pe minut
  • Rating
  • Vârstă 20
  • Sex Femeie
  • Locație Bogota, Colombia
  • Orientare sexuală Heterosexual
  • Vorbește Spanish, English, German, Portuguese
  • Ochi Maro
  • Păr Blond
  • Constituție Zvelt
  • Mărime sâni Mici: A-B


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Venus Luvis
Venus Luvis


  • - 2022-10-30

  • Jon Snow - 2020-10-26

    she's the most beautiful girl in this website for sure <3 She does everything I want, she is awesome.

  • Random - 2020-10-23

    Absolute terrible show. Waste of time, waste of money. Didn't do anything as asked. Promised one thing before start of show, then wouldn't after show started. Rip OFF!!


Venus Luvis

$1.00 pe minut

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